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We Interviewed Eliot Lipp (PLM) About Suwannee Hulaween, Festy Food and more

Writer's picture: DubEra LLCDubEra LLC


We had the opportunity to chat with Eliot Lipp yesterday regarding the upcoming Suwannee Hulaween we are so excited for. Eliot Lipp will be playing two sets, one with a band and the other at the silent disco stage late in to the night. Read below for a glance in to what we can expect from those sets and who Eliot would book if he put on his own festival. So this interview is to get people hyped up for the Suwannee Hulaween. Have you ever been to the Suwannee? What did you think? Eliot Lipp: I went to Bear Creek one year and it was very awesome. Is that in the same place? D: Do you have a halloween costume? What were your favorites from year’s past? EL: I was a taco a couple years ago, that was my fav. I I’m down for any kind of food costume, A burger would be cool. Maybe a watermelon idk. D: You’re doing 2 sets at the festival, Live and DJ. What can we expect from the live set? EL: I’ve got a drummer & a guitarist performing with me, we toured for two weeks in april playing a lot of the new album out but I think for Hulaween we’ll include a good amount of older stuff too. D: What can we expect from the late-night silent disco DJ set? EL: booty shakin’ house + some twerk inducing beats.

eliot lipp forecastle after party

D: The music at Hulaween will boast everything from dubstep to bluegrass. Do you prefer a strong variety or a specific vibe at festivals? (think Electric Forest vs. an EDC) EL: I prefer festivals where every DJ plays the same top 20 Electro bangers but in a different order. I think that’s was America needs more of, JK :p D: If you threw your own festival, give me 5-10 acts you would ask to play! EL: Daft Punk Wolfgang Gartner Kanye West Siriusmo Moodymann Lil Wayne Aphex Twin (live set no DJ Bullshit) OutKast Tycho Riff Raff Modeselector Wocka Flocka All of PLM crew Flosstradamus OBEY City Kastle Bonobo Maybe a couple metal bands too but really good ones D: Lately you’ve been tweeting some bizzarre food combinations, what’s up with that? EL: I’m just making fun of brunch. I end up at these really pretentious brunch places sometimes (usually named with just one word like Egg, or Bite or Eat or something) and there’s all these foodies there instagraming some “gourmet” brunch dish. So I started making up fake menus every sunday morning. D: Do you have any personal favorite festie-foods? I love me a gyro around 1-2am. EL: Meat on a stick. D: What new music can we expect from Eliot Lipp in the future? EL: I’m releasing an album next year, It’s a good one. Lots of funk and electro jams. I’ll be touring a lot with my band too. D: What are you currently listening to right now? EL: lots of 60’s & 70’s soundtracks, Travis Scott, Mux Mool, not happy to admit it but I do like the new Drake.


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