Ultra Music Festival released the full lineup for the downtown Miami festival at the end of March. They added new headliners to both the DJ and Live stages. Ultra is doing some educating this year and I like it.
The lineup is laced with premiering act Get Real (Green Velvet and Claude Vonstroke), Todd Terje live, Die Antwoord, Tale Of Us, and a number of other acts that have serious potential to educate the usual main stage crowd.

The full list of daily stage lineups was also released, including three full days of a stacked live stage. In particular, Bassnectar closing out Saturday night should be earth-shattering.
On Sunday the Ultra Worldwide stage has the best lineup of any stage throughout the weekend: Goldroom, Tensnake, The Magician, Chasmere Cat, Bonobo, and more take to the decks all one after the other on the final day of the festival. Unfortunately Skrillex, Bonobo, and Kygo live will all be closing out Sunday at the same time, making it tough to make a decision! Ultra will definitely be finishing the weekend in style though. Check the full lineup and stage lists below. Or get a more zoomed in version HERE.
