If you haven’t been seeing all the info floating around about this awesome festival you need to do your research and snag a ticket asap before prices go up! I have to say, this fest looks like its going to be pretty amazing. We will definitely be trying to make it out to cover this one. The concept is awesome. Everything on their website is worded really neat and it all fits the majestic Gnarnia mood they have created. $95 dollar Winter Clearance Passes still available for a couple more days! Scoop em up quick!
The lineup includes:
Thursday, Aug. 9 Beats Antique, 7 Walkers Gramatik, Paper Diamond, ESKMO Afroman, Eliot Lipp, Heyoka, Machines are People Too, KDSML Andrew Fletcher’s Silent Movie Theatre
Friday, Aug 10th Tipper, Emancipator Mark Farina, Dieselboy Easy Star All Stars, Toubab Krewe, VibeSquaD, Break Science, Gift of Gab, ZOOGMA, Starkey Firecracker Jazz Band ,Ziggurat
Saturday, August 11th 12th Planet, Ott, Papadosio Midnite, Rising Appalachia, Govinda, The Polish Ambassador The Mantras, Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band, Seduction Sideshow Laura Reed w Shannon Sanders, Brushfire Stankgrass
and more to be announced!!
They are also hosting a poster design contest if you think you have the skills to pay the bills scope out their contest page!