Support some Florida locals, Greenhouse Lounge and Sir Charles! Two nights of after parties over STS9’s NYE run!! Located just a mile away from the Tabernacle, these shows will be held at The Apache Cafe in Atlanta, GA, limited in capacity and likely to fill up fast, so PLEASE plan ahead and purchase tickets in advance!!
Doors @ 12 Midnight w/ music until 5AM+!! Alcohol served until 3AM 18+ are welcome
.::Dec. 29::. Up Until Now The Malah Live PA Sir Charles Mighty High Coup
.::Dec. 30::. Distal Greenhouse Lounge HeRobust T8r(tot)
Live Painting by: Andrew Wagner Christian Jaxtheimer Andy Reed
Art on Display: Vagabond Arts – Meghan McKendree
Tickets are $12 each night and will be available at Thurs. Dec. 1 at 12PM EST.
