NERO IN MIAMI, DEC 30thDubEra LLCDec 21, 2011Nero will be performing in Miami at the Fillmore Friday, December 30th! Finish off 2011 with a bang! Get some of that UK flavor in your life! You can buy tickets here on the Fillmore website.FILLMORE NERO#neromiami #neromiamibeach #nero2012 #dec30 #nerolive #nerofillmore #Nero #nero2011 #Miami #filmoretheater #nerouk #dec30miami #nerofillmoremiamibeach #december30th
Nero will be performing in Miami at the Fillmore Friday, December 30th! Finish off 2011 with a bang! Get some of that UK flavor in your life! You can buy tickets here on the Fillmore website.FILLMORE NERO#neromiami #neromiamibeach #nero2012 #dec30 #nerolive #nerofillmore #Nero #nero2011 #Miami #filmoretheater #nerouk #dec30miami #nerofillmoremiamibeach #december30th