Jam Cruise 16 is coming up quick (Jan 17-22). This will be our first ever Jam Cruise and we are pumped to party. This is one of the few events where we will be putting the cameras down (for most of the time) and putting our hands up. You will probably find us crushing beers on the pool deck during the day so be sure to say hi. Here are the things we are looking forward to most.
Double Steel Pulse
Daytime and late night Steel Pulse sets in the same place in the same week is a rare occurrence. This band has provides us some great memories in the past and we expect this time to be no different.
Jam Rooms With No Time Restrictions
Jam rooms will no doubt bring together some great musicians for some unexpected surprises. Giving these guys full freedom with no ending time is amazing. Excited to see what comes from these Jam Rooms we’ve heard so much about from past cruise veterans.
Theme Nights
We are usually to busy taking photos and filming to focus on participating in theme nights. Not this time! It’s going to be nice to blend in with the crowd of party animals for once.
The Unknown
New places we’ve never been. New musicians we’ve never seen. A cruise we’ve never been on. Who knows what will happen! Excited to see everyone on the boat.