Brooklyn’s on fire.
This Greenwich Village of the new millennium is thriving with artists making camp in Manhattan’s dirty little brother across the river. Musically speaking, a huge boost came from Gramatik setting up his label Lowtemp here, creating a foundation for dope artists to release some seriously cool music to a hungry audience.
Next from the troop, we get the first batch of tunes from Lowtemp’s resident crooner, Gibbz. After hearing him make girlfriends everywhere nervous on Exmag’s “Tilt Mode,” and setting the record straight on Gramatik’s “Get A Grip,” Mike Gibney delivers the goods on his first solo effort. His choice of weapons? A heavy arsenal of infectious melodies and sexed up, tongue-in-cheek lyrics that embed themselves deep in your mind. Just let it happen. You’ll thank him later.
Gibbz’s playfully titled debut EP Who Gibbz A F#@$, is a tight 4 song package. It shines the spotlight on the singer/producer’s penchant for combining soaring vocal harmonies with futuristic soundscapes that feel as vintage as crate-digging at your favorite record store.
“Do It For You” opens the set with a nostalgic 80’s groove that’s been dipped in the nu-funk sheen the Lowtemp crew does so well. It’s a smooth one, with a twist of TI’s “Whatever You Like,” but done with even more, dare I use the word, ‘swag?’

If you haven’t heard it already, I triple-dog-dare you to get the first single “Again and Again” out of your head. This tune really shows the crossover potential Gibbz possesses with his pop star caliber vocal abilities.
He takes a break from showing off his pipes on the bouncy instrumental “Crafty,” but picks up the mic again on “Show You,” which gives us the choice imagery of “…lovers in a bathroom stall, pushing up against an autograph wall.” It’s nice to hear someone not take dance music too seriously…

Who Gibbz A F#@$? You should. Give many. And if you put this EP on to help set the mood, they will be given back to you. Again and again….And again.
And if you’re in the Tri-State area this Friday, come get down at Webster Hall in New York City for the world debut of Gibbzmatik, with support from Lowtemp All Stars Exmag, Branx, ILLUMNTR and more! Gonna be one funkified night!