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FLUME schools us on the Australian electronic music sound

Writer's picture: DubEra LLCDubEra LLC


The homie FLUME just dropped in on FB to tell us about all of his homie Aussie producers. Check ’em out below, with links provided by FLUME himself. **Side note, we are running a contest for free FLUME tickets in Orlando right now so check that out…

“Just wanted to say how proud I am to be a part of Australian Electronic music scene right now, and its not just me.

I’ve been travelling the world for the past 6 months and i’m constantly getting asked in interviews about the “Australian sound” and this new wave of producers. I never thought much of it, being part of this new wave and all, but after this trip to the USA I’m starting to see it from an outsiders perspective. Australia, we’ve got something pretty special going on here, we’ve got our own sound, and the worlds starting to take notice

Here’s what I’m talking about:

& these two big dogs leading the charge

(I’m sure i forgot some names so add them in the comments below)

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I say we take over like the French did with Electro back in 06



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