Electric Forest has released their initial 2013 lineup. The Jam/ EDM fusion festival will take place June 27-30 in Rothbury, MI, in the beautiful Sherwood Forest. Insomniac and Madison House’s baby will feature a lineup that pulls from both music scenes, with String Cheese, Lotus, Dispatch and Railroad Earth taking care of the jammin’ side of things. In the electronic spectrum, which is probably more prominent, you have Pretty Lights, Nervo, Madeon, Baauer, Kill The Noise, Knife Party and a ton more.
Most interesting are the artists that don’t really fall into either genre. Empire of the Sun making a rare USA appearance, indie-rockers Passion Pit, the funkin’ Trombone Shorty and rapper Danny Brown bring the festival some unique flavor.
Last year, we had the opportunity to explore the festival and can say first hand that this is an amazing place. The weather, the legendary venue, the CHEESE… it all comes together so nicely for a celebration of modern music festival culture. We’ll do everything in our power to make it back to Rothbury in 2013 and we strongly look forward to documenting this incredible festival for all of you!
#bassnectar #prettylights #knifeparty #nervo #noisia #headhunterz #rlgrim #music #yeasayer #dispatch #beatsantique #grimes #lotus #electricforest #baauer #passionpit #Eoto #emancipator #atrak #dannybrown #empireofthesun #tommytrash #clockwork #madeon #bennybenassi #railroadearth #michalmenert #Festival